
What looks like a rom-com turns into a dating horror story starring Sebastian Stan and Daisy-Edgar Jones. Almost a modern take on America Psycho with Get Out and Hannibal sprinkled in there. 

After a series of bad dates, Noa feels that she will never meet the right person for her. One night she meets the handsome plastic surgeon Steve in a grocery store and their romance ensues from there. Steve plans a romantic getaway for the new couple leading to a dark discovery about his real identity.

Steve presents himself as the ideal man with a few red flags in the first 38 minutes of the film. These dangers are brought to light when the opening credits roll halfway through the film and this meet-cute transforms into a dateline episode.  

Fresh takes on the idea of women being meat in the eyes of men. Noa finds herself in the worst of this. It also explores toxic masculinity and how easy it is to damage the male ego. The woman must always watch herself and battle the line between people-pleasing and being her true self.  

After this watch, I am seriously considering taking a break from eating meat. This film provides gore for horror fans while also being zany with it. There is comedy incorporated throughout the entire screenplay that never downplays what is at stake for Noa. Both Edgar-Jones and Stan become the characters they are playing. It feels so natural to them as the film gets more twisted. 

Mimi cave is a director to watch whit her debut at Sundance. She beautifully balances various tones throughout the film and creates amazing performances with her actors. It will be a film people will be talking about this year. 


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